Serving Chicagoland
and Surrounding Suburbs

Board Certified in Foot and
Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery


Health Risks to Your Feet at the Beach

Posted on July 18th, 2024 by mfamanage

Going to the beach in the summertime or enjoying a tropical vacation can be the highlight of the year. With the sun shining, the waves crashing, and the sand between your toes, it’s easy to forget that your feet might be at risk. While the beach is fun, it can lead to some unexpected foot […]

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The Differences Between a Rolled Ankle vs. Sprained Ankle

Posted on February 29th, 2024 by mfamanage

Ankle injuries are a common occurrence, especially for people living in Chicago, where lengthy commutes and icy winters can lead to unexpected slips and falls. At Mitchell Foot & Ankle, we understand how painful and frustrating these injuries can be. They can also limit your mobility extensively for long periods, especially if you roll or […]

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Understanding & Managing Common Winter Feet Problems

Posted on January 29th, 2024 by mfamanage

Snowy sidewalks and cold temperatures are nothing new to Chicago residents. However, being used to harsh weather doesn’t mean it’s easy to avoid the physical discomforts that pop up during the winter season. For example, winter feet problems can show up unexpectedly and impact your daily life and mobility. From the discomfort of cracked heels […]

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Can Dehydration Cause Foot Pain? | Winter Foot Health

Posted on December 11th, 2023 by mfamanage

During the hustle and bustle of the winter season, it’s easy to forget something crucial: staying hydrated. Especially in Chicago, a city known for its cold and dry winter weather, hydration is key. But did you know that not drinking enough water can lead to more than just dry skin or feeling thirsty? Surprisingly, dehydration […]

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Why Does My Toenail Smell?

Posted on November 6th, 2023 by mfamanage

A lot of people struggle with smelly feet, but you might be surprised to learn that toenails can smell bad, too. Encased in shoes, they are often trapped in a dark, moist environment that can promote bacterial and fungal growth. Toenails are quite susceptible to infections and injuries. However, differentiating between toenail infections, bacterial growth, […]

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Mitchell Foot & Ankle

1338 E 47th St.
Chicago, IL 60653

Fax: 773-433-8108

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