Serving Chicagoland
and Surrounding Suburbs

Board Certified in Foot and
Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery


Diabetic Foot Care: Proper Care for Your Feet at Home

Posted on January 18th, 2023 by Chuck Mitchell

Being diagnosed with diabetes presents its own unique set of complications and imposes restrictions on your day-to-day life. From complete dietary transformations and finger pricking to a whole new regimen of medication, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. One extremely important aspect of living with diabetes, that is too often overlooked, is proper foot care. Diabetes […]

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Best Ankle Strengthening Exercises to Prevent Injuries

Posted on December 23rd, 2022 by Chuck Mitchell

Ankle injuries can be troublesome and a recurring threat if not treated and maintained. A single ankle injury can lead to a world of difficulties and limited mobility, as well as increase your risk of additional ankle sprains. Thankfully there are several exercises and techniques that can be used to stabilize your body’s foundation, increase […]

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Can An Ankle Injury Cause Knee Pain?

Posted on November 17th, 2022 by Chuck Mitchell

Ankle injuries tend to happen when you least expect them, such as when you head out for a relaxed jog outside and step in an unseen divot, or when you simply step down off of a curb. In any case, the wrong step can twist or sprain your ankle, causing shooting pain to travel up […]

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Callus-Free Feet This Summer | Foot Doctor Chatham

Posted on July 29th, 2022 by Chuck Mitchell

Calluses are typically harmless and are nothing more than hardened, extra coarse skin on the foot. However, they have the potential to become more serious if the layers of skin become too thick or get infected and crack. Following are some ways you can prevent calluses this season, as prevention is the best treatment! Let […]

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Geriatric Summer Foot Care Tips | Foot Doctor Bronzeville

Posted on May 31st, 2022 by Chuck Mitchell

At Mitchell Foot & Ankle, we are experienced in helping patients of all ages, including the elderly. Given that geriatric patients may be extra susceptible to injury or disease, it’s important that they take as great care of their feet as possible. Summertime can bring on new challenges, so read on to learn more about […]

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Mitchell Foot & Ankle

1338 E 47th St.
Chicago, IL 60653

Fax: 773-433-8108

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